24 “INS” FOR 2024

Happy New Year! A new year is refreshing, motivating, and new. Unlike strict New Year’s resolutions we are talking about what’s generally IN this year, what we’re bringing with us from years past, and what we’re adding to the line up. These things can help guide you towards making more specific goals and resolutions.  What’re your ins for 2024? 

1. Self Care

Self care is always in and it’s following us into 2024. Think self care for the lash artist— stretching, massages, drinking more water, and taking care of ourselves. 

2. Boundaries

Boundaries in all aspects are IN, but especially when it comes to business and client relationships. 

3. Business Hours

Having set business hours, consistency in scheduling, and having set times to answer the phone is going to bring peace into your business. 

4. Education

Eyelash extensions are continuing to evolve and that’s why education is in this year. 

5. Retention

Retention, retention, retention! Good retention is going to set you apart and grow your clientele. All things retention are in and making it a priority this year will show. 

6. Organization

When things are organized our minds are able to work more clearly and efficiently. Think the physical organization of our things, organized scheduling practices, and organization in our thoughts. 

7. Growth 

We should always be wanting to grow which is why growth is in again and again. You could pick one aspect to focus on or a generalized growth. But either way growth in business is IN. 

8. Lunch Breaks

Lash artists can fall guilty of working back to back and not taking breaks but this year intentionally scheduling lunch breaks is in. 

9. Client Notes

Taking client notes over guessing and trying to remember specifics is what we’re bringing with us in 2024. It’s a simple task, but it’s easy to overlook. 

10. Natural Styling

Eyelash extensions that look natural, enhance the natural beauty, and are not harsh or heavy looking is the style prediction for this year. 

11. Back-End Days

Running a client based business is so much more than just what happens during appointments. This year focusing on the back end with intentional, specific, scheduled time is going to be a game changer. 

12. Connection

Comparison is out and connecting is in! Client connection is good for retaining clients, and connecting with other lash artists can lead to great relationships and opportunities. 

13. Money

Making more money is a pretty general goal for each new year and that’s why money is in— making more money and saving more money. 

14. Social Media

I think we all know social media isn’t going anywhere so this year showing our faces and focusing less on perfect curated media is what’s in. 

15. Looking Good & Feeling Good

It’s easy to be lazy or do the minimum for our appearance when we work for ourselves and our clients eyes are closed majority of the time. But taking pride in your appearance can translate into taking your business serious so that’s what’s in. 

16. Vision Boards

Maybe it’s a new years thing, but I have been very motivated by vision boards and manifesting . Make a vision board and bring all those things to fruition this year. 

17. Clean Lashes

Clean lashes have never not been in but this year there is no tolerance for unwashed lashes!

18. Hobbies

Hobbies are all around us waiting to be explored, specifically non-work related hobbies. Learning something new or just trying something for the sake of not getting into a work only rut is what’s in. 

19. Quality Products 

There is no excuse for poor quality products at this point and so this year only high quality products, products that work for us, and products that we trust are in. 

20. Strength  

Getting physically stronger is IN and this translates to lash artists because it can be straining on the body and we want to be in it for the long haul.

21. Hiring Professionals

We may be self employed, but that doesn’t mean we have to do everything on our own. Investing in the proper help is in! Accountants, book keepers, housekeeping, policy makers, etc! 

22. Love Where You Work

Working in a space that doesn’t make you happy is out. Loving where you work and also making a space feel like you is in. 

23. Walking

Waking feels like the answer to a lot of things and that’s why it made the list. Lash artists are stationary so even quick walks are going to have big effects. 

24. Balance

The working until your burnt out mentality is not coming with us this year because we are bringing a work life balance into the new year! Set goals and resolutions that reflect this. 

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.


