Winter is coming—or depending on where you live maybe it has already arrived! Which means it’s time to “winterize” or prep our spaces for the cold months. We can’t control the cold temperatures or snowy conditions but we can make our clients more comfortable in spite of everything that comes with winter. 

Avoid Dry Air!

Because of the cold temperatures it is likely that your thermostat is turned up and your heater is working overtime. Or maybe you run a space heater directly towards you and your clients. Whatever your source of heat, it can really dry out the air and lower the humidity which is why a humidifier is a non negotiable! Even with our adhesives that have a flexible humidity, a humidifier helps to control the environment and keep the humidity in the correct range. 

Offer Cozy Amenities

Think of yourself as a host wanting to keep your clients comfortable. Clients are laying still and typically lean towards being cold because of it. This is where blankets, heating  pads, and space heaters come in handy. I notice in the winter clients are much more likely to take advantage of the offered blankets so I suggest bringing in extra during the cold months. Another great option is a heating pad for the bed. A heating pad is a great option because it can be customized to each client without having to heat the entire space. Keeping our clients warm, cozy, and comfortable is very important! 

Winter Cleaning 

Like spring cleaning, but instead of refreshing your space you’re doing an extra cleaning of the floors from wet, dirty, and/or salty shoes, disinfecting surfaces to protect against seasonal germs, and making space for bulky coat storage. Consider changing up your cleaning routine to keep your space clean from the elements!

Increase Lighting 

If your space has windows and you take advantage of the natural night you may want to add an extra lashing light or lamp to brighten up your space. Making your space bright and inviting despite it getting dark shortly after lunch will help beat that winter dread. 

Prepare for Sick Season 

It’s always best to inform your clients that if they are sick to stay home, however it is still the season of sniffles and coughs. I like to stock up on tissues, water bottles, cough drops, hand sanitizer, and masks to offer my clients and to use myself. 

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.

