How to loose a client 🏃‍♀️

We don’t want to lose clients we want to gain clients and even more importantly KEEP clients. In an Andie Anderson “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” approach today’s post will show you how to keep clients by avoiding these sure fire ways to lose a client! 

Poor Communication

From a client’s POV, poor communication can be a deal breaker. If your clients are reaching out for questions, schedule inquires, or appointment changes it’s important to respond within a reasonable time frame. It boils down to communicating with our clients the way we want to be communicated with! Plus, you literally can’t get clients on your schedule without communicating. 

Constant Schedule Changes 

If a client is constantly changing their appointments, not showing up, or running late we would fire them as a client. If we as the artists are showing the same behaviors it is going to deter clients quickly and rightfully so.  

Zero Solutions

If you find yourself in a problem solving situation with a client but are not offering solutions the client is going to feel like they are at a dead end. Even if the solution is not the ideal answer or they don’t take the solution, being helpful and willing goes a long way.  Some solution is better than making the client feel helpless!

Inconsistent Pricing 

Your pricing should be clear, communicated, and consistent. If there’s going to be a change in pricing or a situational circumstance it’s important to discuss that prior to an appointment. If your clients are leaving confused about pricing or feel like you are making up numbers it’s going to reflect on clients returning.

Poor Quality 

I can’t say which bad practice is the most likely to lose you clients, but poor quality work will never get you far. You can have the best customer service and bed side manner but let’s be real clients are paying for lashes and they want them to look good and last. The most sure fire way to keep clients is to perform good quality work over and over again. 

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.



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