Tips for the Lash Artist

Have you ever been in the middle of an appointment and run out of adhesive or a specific lash length? Or how about feeling like you’re never going to get ahead of responding to messages? If your anything like me, it doesn’t matter how many times you tell yourself to remember something—but you still forget. WELL, I have a few small tips and tricks to being an organized lash artist. It’s all about making our lives easier!

Call for backup
Always have a spare bottle of adhesive. It’s really hard to get through an eyelash appointment without adhesive so trust me when I say, it’s better to be safe than sorry. For me, I open a new bottle of adhesive every 4 weeks. I start by ordering two bottles and then every time I open a new one-- I order a new one, while rotating them to keep them fresh. If I ever loose track of time or don’t need to place a monthly order I know I’ll still have a fresh adhesive. 

Stay fresh
The first thing you should do with a new bottle of adhesive is… Write the date on it! Think of it like a gallon of milk expiring. Writing the date somewhere on the bottle will prevent you from ever wondering how long it’s been since you refreshed your adhesive. It works as a great reminder to open a new bottle every 4-6 weeks. Bonus tip: sign up for our adhesive subscription and leave the thinking to us.

Be smarter than your inventory
When it comes to inventory, be consistent. Figure out what works for your needs. For me, I evaluate my entire inventory once a month and take note of anything getting low. I know that once a tray of lashes gets down to the last 5 strips I need to reorder to prevent ever running out. Day to day, if I notice any supplies are low then I add it to a list that I always have on hand. I also have my “staples” that I order with every single order regardless if I’m running low or not, such as gel pads! 

Pencil in social media time
Social media is a huge part of our industry. It helps us connect to other artists, gain knowledge, and grow our clientele. It can be overwhelming to post, engage, comment, and share all the things. My tip for staying on top of social media is to do it every. single. day. Whether it’s 15 minutes or 2 hours, whatever your schedule allows make time for it every day and see what a difference it makes.

Take note
My last tip for today’s post is to take client notes at the end of each appointment or by no later than the end of the work day! This tip saves my life and makes me feel much more prepared. Write down what style, curl, length, and diameter you used, take note if you made any changes from a previous appointment, and add any personal information you don’t want to forget (i.e. vacation plans or life changes). 

These are tips that I have incorporated into my lash life. They help me stay on top of things and allow me to work as efficiently as I can. Now, I want to know what tricks you have! 

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.

Corrective Lashing
