Proper sanitation is not only required legally but it is for the safety of our clients. Always, always follow your state board regulations to prevent the spread of infections between clients but, beyond the standard sanitation here’s 3 no-nos to keep in mind when considering sanitation. 

Recycling Used Lashes

Have you ever removed the most perfect grown out fan still perfectly in place and been sad to discard it? Well as sad as it is, always resist the urge to reuse lashes! Even if it was a lash you just placed, it is safest to just start over to prevent too much adhesive build up. Bacteria can be unseen to the eye so we never want to place dirty lashes back on the eye. 

Ignoring One Time Use

With products like primer and sealer that come with an applicator inside, the applicator should not be used. Instead, use a disposable applicator and never double dip. You do not want to use any tools that have touched the client’s eye with a product that you use for multiple services. Any disposable product should be just that—disposed. Do not use spoolies or cleansing brushes on more than one client. 

Only Keeping one Set of Tweezers

This one is less of a rule and more of a suggestion to make sanitizing easier. If you only have one set of tweezers you must be sanitizing for the full duration between clients which can be difficult if you book back to back. If you have more than one set of tweezers you can always have a fully sanitized pair on deck for the next client or if you need a backup pair during an appointment.

Kourtnie Warden

Certified Lash Extension Artist and Educator.


Beating the Slow Season
